Exorcists AD 2012
Piotr Kachny
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- Oglądano: 3145
Cena: 4000 zł
...and we are here because of morality and order, for human's sake, general goodness, and God's mercy... Lovers are alive If You want to see dead human beings, go the monasteries and look at the saints, go to Vatican and see the Pope, go to police stations and look at the policemen, go to Seym and look at the politicians... but the lovers, the real lovers are the ones, who are still alive. No making love on the public streets among the dead people, because they are going to kill You Dead People forgot what the nature is- they cursed it. And if You want to curse the nature, then You have to start from sex, because all the nature was born from it.
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Inne obrazy artysty
Painting in colours
- Autor: Piotr Kachny
- Data dodania: 2012-09-28 15:31:49
- Cena: 3200 zł
Mrs Shaman
- Autor: Piotr Kachny
- Data dodania: 2012-09-28 15:27:32
- Cena: 2850 zł
Painting in colours
- Autor: Piotr Kachny
- Data dodania: 2012-09-12 18:32:03
The red shoes
- Autor: Piotr Kachny
- Data dodania: 2012-07-31 15:33:34
- Cena: 2850 zł
- Autor: Piotr Kachny
- Data dodania: 2011-12-10 10:24:22
- Cena: 3600 zł
- Autor: Piotr Kachny
- Data dodania: 2011-11-12 09:35:49
Lady with piglet
- Autor: Piotr Kachny
- Data dodania: 2011-11-09 14:10:55
- Cena: 2800 zł
Mistrzyni gry pozorow
- Autor: Piotr Kachny
- Data dodania: 2011-11-09 13:52:39
- Cena: 3400 zł
She is 13
- Autor: Piotr Kachny
- Data dodania: 2011-11-09 10:13:32
- Cena: 3500 zł
Gwiazdozbior nad Wisla
- Autor: Piotr Kachny
- Data dodania: 2011-11-09 10:09:23